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American Foulbrood Course (DECA)


AFB Recognition Courses - Auckland

If you have recently attended (or are already registered to attend) an AFB Recognition course or refresher, please disregard this email.


POINT CHEV – Saturday 20 July 2022, 9am – Point Chev Community Centre – 18 Huia Road – Point Chevalier

NORTHCOTE – Saturday 3 September 2022, 9am – Northcote War Memorial Hall – 2 Rodney Road – Northcote Point

OREWA – Sunday 2 October 2022, 9am – Hibiscus Coast Community House – 214 Hibiscus Coast Highway – Orewa


These are the last courses being held in the region this year, we need your support in order for them to proceed.

American foulbrood is caused by spore-forming bacteria and is the most widespread and destructive of the bee brood diseases.  Learning how to recognise American foulbrood and its symptoms is essential knowledge for every beekeeper to know.  

Our course will teach you how to:

  • recognize AFB symptoms
  • inspect a hive for AFB
  • prevent AFB from spreading
  • collect brood cell and bee samples for testing, and
  • effectively destroy any AFB infected hives.

There is a test at the end of the course comprising of 25 questions (please note we have our test available in Maori, Korean, Filipino and Mandarin (Simplified Chinese).  Where possible, an infected AFB frame will be available for beekeepers to see symptoms of AFB firsthand. 

By passing the test and being fully compliant with American Foulbrood Pest Management Plan rules for a minimum of 12 months, you will be eligible to apply for a Disease Elimination Conformity Agreement (DECA). Beekeepers that enter into a Disease Elimination Conformity Agreement with the Management Agency are committing to eliminate AFB from their beehives through carrying out the AFB elimination practices and procedures specified in the Agreement. In recognition of this commitment the Management Agency provides the beekeeper with an exemption from the Certificate of Inspection requirements.

The courses start at 9am and finish at approx 3pm.  The cost $100 per person.  If you wish to attend this one-day course, please register.  Further information on the DECA process can found on our website under policy number 007.

Already a DECA Holder?

As a DECA holder you are encouraged to attend a refresher every two years.  You would be welcome to attend any of the full courses as a refresher or you may wish to attend a 2 hour refresher being held in Remuera.  


The cost to attend a refresher is $30 - register here

AFB Recognition Test via Proctor

If you are unable to make it to any of our locations and feel confident in your knowledge of AFB, you may like to consider taking the test via proctor.
Further information on this can be found here, the cost is $50 per person.

If you have any questions relating to the AFB Recognition Courses, please contact Janette on email or phone 0800 232 767 ext 301.